Solar Power Installed At Aschiana
Thanks to a generous legacy donation, we are pleased to say that Aschiana now has a fully operational Solar Energy System, installed in the main HQ school in Kabul.
This saves the school over $1,000 per month on fuel bills. It ensures the children are kept warm in the extremely cold winter months and that hot food is cooked for them on the premises, all year round. It also ensures essential equipment relying on electricity can continue to run smoothly. This includes, not only the lighting, but computers and other I.T equipment to help the children’s education in a modern world.
Solar Panels
Solar Energy System
It also ensures that machines in the Tailoring Department, Carpentry and other vocational training areas can function properly. Without reliable energy, the school would not be able to provide high quality education to these extremely poor children, and give them the same level of skills as children born in more favourable circumstances, offering them a genuine prospect of employment on graduation and a brighter future.
Computer Class
Tailoring Centre